Lenders usually don’t require a home inspection to get a loan, This is your choice as a buyer. Unless you have a VA loan, then you are required to have a pest inspection, which the seller pays for. Some buyers have been waiving inspections to make their offer more attractive when in multiple offers. This is something your realtor can explain the pros and cons of. Home inspections are always paid by the buyer and typical are $350-$500. Dependent on the size and type of the home.
During a home inspection, an inspector will go through the home and specifically look for problems. They will test electrical systems, make sure the roofing is safe, make sure appliances are working and much more. After the inspection closes, the inspector will give you a list of problems they found in the home. Keep in mind inspections are never 100% going to be able to “catch” every issue the home may have. Its important to use a reputable inspector, your realtor can recommend some goof choices.
You are welcome to attend the inspection, this is also a good time to measure for furniture, appliances and curtains as this will most likely be the last time you will be in the home, other than a brief walk through a few days before the home closes.
When you receive your inspection report via email, go over the report to refresh your memory about the repairs that are needed, ask your agent whether they noticed any major red flags. If a home has a serious repairs needed, ask your agent to negotiate for the seller to correct the problem, reduce the price or give a credit towards closing costs. If you can’t reach an agreement or if there are issues you are not comfortable with, you may want to move on and consider other options. There is a small window to ask for repairs.
It’s common for homebuyers to include a home inspection contingency in their purchase offer. A contingency gives buyers the option to back out of a purchase (or negotiate repairs) without losing their earnest money deposit if the home inspection reveals major issues with the home. Make sure your agent is aware of this.
when a home is being “sold as-is” inspections can still be preformed, typically the seller will not make any repairs. The inspection is used for informational purposes only, but the buyer has the right to still back out.
There are different types of inspections that can be preformed, ask your realtor for more information.